#ThrowbackThursday Blog Hop
Here’s how it works….
1. Be our friends!
The hosts
Jenn @ Sweet Southern Wife // Twitter // Bloglovin
Ady @ When in Doubt Just Add Glitter // Bloglovin // Twitter
Lauren @ The Lo Down // Twitter // Bloglovin
Mariah Carey Abbey Lee Miller
haha our reaction to Kaitlyn joining us!
Kaitlyn @ Wifessionals
2. Write a post about your past: anything… really… we don’t care!
3. Grab our button or link back to us!
*be sure to hop around and meet new friends*
and remember… we won’t judge you. (wink wink)
Ok so raise your hand if you remember these books by R.L.Stine called GOOSEBUMPS?
If you raised your hand right now I love you and we just became best friends.
If you didn’t raise your hand but said yes and are shaking your head up and down we can still be friends…just not besties but the good news is
y’all can all join my Goosebumps book club.
calm down I’m joking I don’t have one but if you just got really excited
that probably means we should.
So this book right here scared the ever living crap out of me…. seriously.
I think this may be the last real book I’ve ever read and being scared to death may be the reason.
You never know.
But thanks R.L for ending my reading career.
Now onto Vogue.
Something I can handle.
Happy Thursday! Link up below!