25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

I figured this to be appropriate right about now….. you’re welcome.

Thank you BuzzFeed.


Step one: Surround yourself with gays and money. Step two: Drink.

1. Question everything.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

2. Assert your position as the center of the universe.

Assert your position as the center of the universe.

3. Never let societal norms dictate your drinking habits.

Never let societal norms dictate your drinking habits.

4. Delegate.


5. Appreciate your assets.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

6. Be a lady. Always.

Be a lady. Always.

7. Manage your time wisely.

Manage your time wisely.

8. Always see the bright side.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

9. Recognize that you are always, unquestionably, the center of everybody’s attention.

Recognize that you are always, unquestionably, the center of everybody's attention.

10. Be a glamorous, generous, giving person.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

11. Always take time to do what makes you happy.

Always take time to do what makes you happy.

12. It’s always fun to stir up trouble.

It's always fun to stir up trouble.

13. Always come prepared with a suggestive compliment.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

14. Never be shy about your one true love.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

15. Nothing works better than a well-delivered bitter insult.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

16. Recognize and assert your own irrefutable social domination.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

17. Make sure your enemies know they’re your enemies.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

18. Your opinions are always right. Always.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

19. Never hesitate to impose your will on others. You are, after all, the only thing that matters.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

20. Be painfully honest, no matter the cost.

Be painfully honest, no matter the cost.

21. If words escape you, animalistic noises always do the trick.

If words escape you, animalistic noises always do the trick.

22. Honor the people that matter most.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

23. …and forget about the people that don’t.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

24. Weakness is never, ever an option.

25 Ways To Live Life Like Karen Walker

25. And always, ALWAYS remember: You. Are. Fabulous.

And always, ALWAYS remember: You. Are. Fabulous.

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