Top 8 places to get ugly holiday sweaters (that isn’t goodwill)

Tis the season for Holiday party galore + the opportunity to pass out drunk in your jingle jangle!  There are a few approaches I like to take… DIY, 3D/light up and comical.  I almost never go just tacky.  It’s just so basic.  If you’re going to make a statement… MAKE A STATEMENT.  Bells, bows, lights – the works!  Go big or go home right!  Here are my top shops when ugly Christmas sweater shopping!  

8. Amazon (Famous People i.e. Carlton or Will Smith sweater // Hotling Bling 

7. Stuccu (3D + light up)


6. (3D DIYish)

5. (Gremlins knit sweater)


4. (2 Chainz Weed + Dabbing B+W Santas)


3. (Vintage + Vests)

2. (NFL + 3D)

1. (Hanukkah + Sports + Humorous) **Night Before (funniest Holiday movie I’ve EVER seen) official sweater sponsor**



What’s your favorite?  PS. Anyone else seen The Night Before?  We have a tradition of going to see a Holiday movie after Thanksgiving so we chose that one.  I haven’t laughed that hard to where I was crying in forever.  It was that funny! I highly recommend going to see it if you haven’t already!