Throwback Thursday Blog Hop!!!

Yes that’s me! Rocking white wash jeans and a karate belt??? 
I still rock that same facial expression in photos now! So me.

What to do:
1. Please follow the hosts & visit all my lovely co-hosts!

*leave a comment and we will follow back*

Our Hostesses with the Mostesses

and our lovely co-hosts

Jean from What Jean Likes
Misty from Handbags & Handguns

2. Write a post about your past

this can be anything from last week’s horrible date, to prom 2004, to an embarrassing journal entry, etc.

3. Grab our button or link back to us, link up below, and jump around!

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who’s up for a dance party? hammer pants anyone?  would you be shocked if I told you I owned some of these…. black with blue lighting bolts!

type writer… i got that!

Can’t touch this…. oooooooo  ooooooo ooooooo 

and btw: where are they now?…

Jaleel White: Steve Urkel

I love these throwback Thursdays!  My family is even getting involved.  We love looking back at old pictures and it brings the family together.  So many good memories.
My parents going through old photo albums.
It’s funny because my dad looks kinda small here but he’s actually 6’8 and about 300 pounds. 
I think they were looking at this picture….
It’s so funny because back in the day the we used to keep pictures in photo albums like this instead of ‘the cloud’ or Facebook. 
My first day of school rocking the white wash jean skirt and straight bangs with another color belt?
Thank gawd I learned about the skinny arm and picture pose’s from yesterday because this whole hands behind the back thing is not working for me.  
Did you see the pattern in these two pics… kind of similar?
So have some fun and link up with us!