new orleans fashion jazz fest fashion

Jazz Fest Fashion Straight From New Orleans

travel gold city guide New Orleans

Hey guys! Jennifer here again! Long time no talk-Sorry for being so MIA but work has been crazy town. My “busy season” usually starts mid spring but my “busy season” decided to start at the end of 2015 and just never went away. Get out of here Busy Season no one likes you. Just kidding. You know what else usually starts mid spring (but I’m much more excited about it’s arrival)? That’s right folks-festival season. I am concert O B S E S S E D. It’s a major problem. You know how to make my concert obsession worse? Make that concert last 3 days  with multiple headliners in a bad ass city with tons of amazing hippie organic nonsense food, add in some cold beer and cool random shit for me to spend my monies on and I am there. Absolute Heaven (or hell if you are my husband). My absolute favorite festival is Jazz Fest in New Orleans (more on that later) and my most favorite thing about this festival (besides the jams obvi) is the people watching/festival fashion. New Orleans in general is one of my favorite places in the world to people watch already, but import a bunch of hipsters/blogger fashionistas/teenage girls in flower crowns and you will be in people watching paradise. I saw SOOOOO many boss outfits and so many cool people letting their freak flag fly, but these are some of my favs. As always less talkie talkie more showie showie-check out my favorite looks from Jazz Fest below and if you think I look s’cute (I know you do because duh) I got both of my shexy looks from Lotus Boutique. Peace out girl scout.