Adult Lows

A few months ago I experienced
what I am now referring to as an “adult low”.
Adult Low /a-dult lō – <adjective>:  An experience where a grown person looks around and
asks themselves in judgment how the F did my life get here???


I should preface this post with, this series will
only be fun if you all share your adult low moments as well. Since this happened to me a few
months ago I have started explaining it to my friends and a few strangers and have been inundated with stories to share with you guys, but let’s be
clear I expect crowd participation from all. Please don’t pretend you have
never had an adult low. For now, I will share my (first) adult low: 


A few months back I had been dating
this guy for several months. We went out on a Friday I stayed at his house, I
drank too much and by too much I mean, my body weight in vodka. Waking up in
the morning was not only awful but it was one of the first times I had
stayed at his house, so more awful because I barely knew where the bathroom was. I am sure my hungover haggard self caused him
to do a double take from the Gisele look-a-like he had brought home the night
before. At any rate, I proceeded to throw up at his house several times (always a sexy move) before
ubering myself home at the early hour of 1pm! Indicating to the uber driver to take
the fastest least hilly route. While threatening to reduce stars and vomit in
his back seat. Sadly that wasn’t the lowest moment…

Upon arriving at my house, I stumbled into my bathroom… throw
up several more times before passing out on my bathroom floor at roughly 1:30
in the afternoon. (I mentioned this was 1:30 in the afternoon, not am, right??
Like, birds chirping, sun shining and I passed children laughing and joggers –
ugh, over achievers) The low point came when I woke back up at 7 that night and
as I crawled (literally) on the floor to my bed it was in that moment as I
looked down at myself still in my clothes –
jacket and shoes
the night before I thought to myself  “how
the F did I end up here?” #adultlow 

I wish I could say that this would be my last but sadly I have a more recent story to share. But, until next time, tag me in your lowest moments. My insta handle below, follow the VGB handle @verbalgoldblog (on all social media) and use the tag #VGBadultlows when posting your low moments.  If I like it I’ll feature it. 






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