Illumask Acne Mask Review

The new beauty power player is here and the best part about it… you can do it AT HOME!  I’ve done it all! Laser, T.O.N.S. of skin care products, facials, microderm, QVC products… the list goes on.  You name it I’ve done it. #BeenThereDoneThat  I used to do the light therapy at the tanning salons that gave you the same affect and to be able to do this at home for such a great price is HUGE!


Let’s face it.  We all weren’t born with perfect skin.  And even if we are the lucky ones who were, guess what?  Your skin changes every 7 years so get ready.  My problem is always the hormonal little buggers you get right around that time of the month.  My skin care drawer(s) are FILLED with some pretty amazing products.  (I’m happy to share my favorites!)  But this Illumask is the icing on top!



I’m all for covering up my face when I’m breaking out but nailing the welder look is a new one for me!  Put this baby on and walk into your living room to see your parents // roommates // boyfriends // husbands facial reaction… let me give you a little hint…. IT’S FREAKING HILARIOUS!  But who cares if you look crazy for 15 min as long as you have good skin right!  Right!


In all seriousness.  The Illumask rocks my world.  I like to put on my face medicine / skin lightening creams and lotions and then put it on.  It takes 15 min and it’s really nice to just sit there and relax.  I love to take that time to just rest my mind.  We are so used to occupying every minute of our day it’s nice to reflect.  There are eye glasses so you can watch TV or read or text if you must.  


If you’ve recently popped a pimple or your face is irritated / infected this is perfect for you.  It stops the “oozing” and redness / puffiness and as soon as the session is over your face is back to normal.  I know results vary but I’m batting 100 with this thing!  It’s great.  



You get 30 uses and the price point is solid!  It’s around $20!  Which rocks!  I don’t use mine everyday and I don’t think you have to to see results but then again it depends on your acne/face and I’m not a doctor.  I’m just here to tell you… it’s cheap enough to give it a shot.  You’re. Welcome.




I would 100% recommend this product.  I can’t wait to try the fine lines and wrinkles mask also!  



These opinions are all my own.  I was not gifted or paid for this post.  {Although you’re welcome Illumask… holla atcha girl}  Just think of it as a PSA to all my ladies out there that need a good skin care solution.  I’m always one to share a good find!  Total must have!  



So have y’all tried this?  What do you guys think?