Horoscope: April is going to rock your world

If you remember my EXTREME VENT SESH from yesterday you know shit got cray.  I was telling my friend about it and she sent me this link from Refinery 29 called Susan Miller’s Guide to Surviving Eclipses.  Now I know what you’re thinking… I’m not a freaky deaky stars person that always believes in my daily horoscope but THIS.  IS.  DIFFERENT.  I promise.  It was crazy how spot on this is.  I will tell you the last time I read my horoscope during an eclipse it was extremely accurate too.

Here are my take aways from what I read… 

The mission of an eclipse will be to uncover
truth, and to sweep away unproductive and outworn elements — although at the
time, you may feel that what is being taken away or changed is still relevant
to you, not outworn at all. But, have faith, as the universe will be working on
your behalf, even if you don’t yet see this to be true.
Most readers — approximately 70% — will feel
an eclipse on the day it occurs, with a plus or minus four days of tolerance.
About 20% of readers will feel the eclipse one month to a day later, so in case
that is you, you should watch May 14 and May 28, plus or minus four days, for
news. Being that astrologers deal with bell curves, I can also tell you that
approximately 5% of readers will have already heard news of the April eclipses
a month earlier, on March 14 and March 28 (and in each case, apply the
plus-or-minus-four-days rule).
The mission of an eclipse is to bring truth to
the surface, for once you have truth, you can protect yourself. Anything
outworn and of no future relevance will be ended, so that new opportunities and
conditions can take the place of things that go. The universe insists on new
ideas and growth and will never tolerate the status quo for very long — a
lesson we learn forcibly at eclipse time.

My ex’s birthday is April 4th… the same day we parted ways… for good and the same day I said bye to a long 8 year “friend”.  My birthday is April 24th… 4 days from April 28th… the day of the second eclipse.  Apparently according to this, April is going to rock my world.  

I’m a Taurus

Read the summary under your sign and tell me what you think!   Is it right?

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