Hey Miley, You better WORK B**CH!

I can’t deny that despite the bad press Miley on molly has gotten lately I can’t help but blare Wrecking Ball around my house singing at the TOP of my lungs!  That is until you I saw her video….

I’m still trying to recover from her foam finger “dance moves” at the VMA’s.

If it’s not one thing it’s another.  What is Miley’s obsession with random objects?  I see she’s dumped the foam finger and moved onto a sledge hammer. Quite disturbing Miley.  I’m digging her new look but I really wish she’d keep her clothes on and her tung in her mouth.  Every time I see her I just cover my eyes in horror.  She makes me feel uncomfortable and super awkward.

So while I do love her music, I’ve decided to take a break from all the Miley Cyrus talk and moved onto Britney’s new song, Work B**ch!

While I’ve loved Brit Brit since Baby One More Time and her ‘evolution’ of music, if you will,  I’m still undecided on this song.  Really loving the “motivational” lyrics, no lie, but the beat… ummm… I just don’t know.  I guess I could work out to it?  I love Zedd and Skrillex but her beat is lacking and just seems repetitive.  Who am I to judge, she’s got almost 2 million views so she’s obviously doing something right… just not compared to the 20 million views Miley got in just 24 hours.

You be the judge.  What do you think?

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