GoGo Girl Fit

So how hot is Erika?  I mean really! She’s amazing!! I love that I’ve been able to connect with her thanks to this little bloggy here.

She is a fitness guru and the Creator and Choreographer of a sexy dance fitness workout called, GoGo Girl Fit!  Where it’s as easy as downloading the workout video online and comes to you every month!!

If you haven’t read my weight loss post… you can catch up here but a little motivation goes a long way! I’m always on the lookout for new and inspiring workouts and definitely recommend giving GoGo Girl Fit a shot!

Check out her spotlight post here or below!

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Hi When In Doubt Just Add Glitter Fans!
I am the Creator and Choreographer of a sexy dance fitness workout called, GoGo Girl Fit.

Our videos are downloadable online and are released monthly, so you never get bored! Our first video is being released early September, so be on the lookout! Along with the online videos, we have a blog where myself and a few other regular blog contributors blog about fitness, fashion, beauty, relationships, and a bunch of other girly things.
A little about me:

I’m a twenty something dancer, fitness fanatic, and beach bum. I currently live in Raleigh, NC, and go back and forth to NYC, but in a year who knows where I will be! I have opened for artists such as, Colbie Caillat, Andy Grammar, and The Cab. I dance with a company that allows me to travel and dance at all kinds of corporate events. I would have to say the most fun event to date was a performance for First Citizen’s Bank where we put on a Dancing with the Stars type show. Aside from dancing and teaching fitness classes, I also choreograph…well I guess that kind of fits in the same category…so, basically dancing is my life! I recently got into blogging, which first started off as a fashion blog, but of course I had to change it involve my dance business. Follow the blog at GoGo Girl Fit Blog and I promise I won’t bore you with all my dance talk. PROMISE! Before you go to check out the blog, I wanted to leave you with a bit of advice on setting goals for your fitness goals.

Have you set any goals for yourself lately? Have you tried setting goals for your fitness or weight loss regimen? It’s important to set goals for fitness, just like any other things in life. It keeps you on track and reminds you where you want to be tomorrow or a year from now. Let’s start some fitness goals together now! I’ll go first.

Tomorrow, I will:
Do 15 minutes of abdominal toning

Next week, I will:
Be able to get through my ab workouts without stopping

In one month, I will:
Be able to hold my plank for three minutes

In a year, I will:
Have the body of my dreams

Your turn! After you’re done setting your goals, come check out the GoGo Girl Fit Blog.
