Are You Ready To Take It Off?

The weight I mean!

Dirty minds…

I’ve been trying different ways to lose weight since I’ve been off crutches.

I still can’t do high impact activities 

and I’m a high impact kind of girl 

so I’ve been trying different exercises and exercise videos 

that will keep me motivated.

That brings me to my next point.

3 letters


Pussy Cat Dolls Workout Video

I tried it 

and this is what I learned:

Bite it, step it, push it, snap it

Now they all work out in mid drifts, hot pants, 5 inch heels, and boas.

The reoccurring theme is 


which makes me laugh

because i’m used to doing tae bo

so although this was a nice change of pace and kind of fun, 

it’s not a work out I’d do again to lose weight.

Not to mention I think I gave myself whip lash.

*the best dance to get your heart rate up is buttons (the last song)

Here’s a little preview:

So what workout’s and video’s do you guys suggest I try???

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