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A Winos Dream: Saving Wine One Bottle at a Time

Hello Wine Lovers,
After reading this you will thank me!

Here are a few questions for you:
*Do you ever open a bottle of wine just for a glass and then don’t end up drinking the rest and have to throw it out?
*Do you ever crave a glass of wine but don’t want to open ‘a whole bottle’?
We always finish wine around here!
If you answered yes to any of those questions… 
I found the perfect solution for you!
It’s called the Air Cork and I saw this on the shark tank and decided to order one!
balloon deflated
Simply lower the balloon end into the bottle until just at the top surface.  As you pump, the balloon floats and seals itself to the side of the bottle providing an air tight seal.
When you’re ready to drink another glass, simple squeeze the valve until the balloon completely deflates.
and Voila! 
No more spoiled wine!
balloon inflated

Now you can enjoy your next glass of wine without fear of wasting any!!