A Red White and Blue Weekend Recap

Buckle up doll face because this is a 5 day weekend recap!! Which means double the fun!

One: Puppy play time with a red white and blue tug of war rope.
Two: It rained ALL week and I keep seeing commercials for the “thunder jacket”… well Hart is scared of thunder so I put her old halloween costume on and she loved it.
Three: She feel right asleep.
Four: One of my favorite tweets this week.  Totally  me.
Five: My thriving herb garden.  I eat basil out of this thing several times a week and the mint is great in tea.
Six: Swinging in the hammock listening to the rain.
Seven: IG inspiration for some killer infused water.  I made a bunch this week.
Eight: My new screen door was installed.  My renovations are coming along.  I’m almost done and can’t wait to show y’all.
Nine: Getting a HERMES print framed for my room.  Estate frame that looks like a Chanel bag.  I’m so excited to get this back.  Thank the lord for a 70% off deal I found.  Saved $600.
Ten: Shopping for the renovations.  Home Depot, you kill me.
Eleven: More retail therapy.  Do you ever buy stuff without really knowing what you’re going to do with it?  I do… all the time.   But this is a totally separate post.  Although I did get some cute pots for my herb garden!
Twelve: One of my purchases.  The biggest bag I’ve EVER seen!

Heading out for the night!
My 4th of July FUN!
Some IG 4th pics from some lovely bloggers and the coolest USA display


red white and blue star children’s necklace headband. check
tattoo. check
bullet shell earrings. check
studded fringe purse. check
bud racing koozie. check
american flag shorts. check
rain boots. check
american flag boots. check
american flag shorts. check 

You might know this girl… she blogs HERE 
but she’s my real life friend who started this little bloggy for me!

I hope everyone had an AMAZING 4th and even more enjoyed their 5 day weekend!!!

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